The waste bin transport trolley has been specially designed for the intralogistics sector. It can be used to safely transport up to 4 waste bins (DIN EN 840) of 120 litres each with a tugger train. Thanks to the low loading edge, loading and unloading is completed within seconds. The process can therefore be easily integrated into everyday operations.

With the MTW-4240, up to 4 waste bins to DIN EN 840, each 120 litres or 240 litres, can be transported safely on a trailer. The trailer impresses above all with its extremely low loading edge, secure locking and high-quality workmanship.

The MTRA-2240 waste bin transport trolley has been specially designed for narrow routes in the intralogistics sector. It can be used to safely transport 2 waste bins in the sizes 120 litres and 240 litres (DIN EN 840). With a particularly low loading edge, it is especially suitable for heavy containers. The trailer is also equipped with deflector rollers.
The MTRA-3240 waste bin transport trolley has been specially designed for narrow routes in the intralogistics sector. It can be used to safely transport up to 3 waste bins (DIN EN 840). Mixed loading is guaranteed by dividing the securing brackets. The trailer is also equipped with deflector rollers and a brake.